Significance of Celebrating Navaratri | Mother Kushmanada | Day 4 | Colour | Flower | Tithi | Muhurta


Key Points

On Chaturthi Tithi, the Kushmanda form of Maa Durga is worshipped.
She is seen mounted on a lion and is depicted with eight hands.
She represents the core of the Sun. Hence she is known as Kushmanda.

This avatar of the Mother Goddess is believed to have eliminated darkness by giving birth to light. It is also said that she created the Brahmanda (Universe) with her Prana Shakti with a divine smile that radiated incredible energy. We also technically called as Hiranyagarbha.  And since she resides in the centre of the Sun, she symbolises light and energy. 

The pictorial depiction of Goddess Kushmanda shows her with eight hands. Mounted on a lion, she holds a lotus, bow and arrow, and a Kamandalu in the right hands and a discus, mace, a Japa mala, and a Kalasha in the left hands. Since she has eight hands, she is also called Ashtabhuja Devi. She governs the Sun and devotees pray to her for getting rid of their diseases and illnesses.

Mother Kushmanda Mantras

ॐ देवी कूष्माण्डायै नमः॥

Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah॥

सुरासम्पूर्ण कलशं रुधिराप्लुतमेव च।

दधाना हस्तपद्माभ्यां कूष्माण्डा शुभदास्तु मे॥

Surasampurna Kalasham Rudhiraplutameva Cha।

Dadhana Hastapadmabhyam Kushmanda Shubhadastu Me॥

या देवी सर्वभू‍तेषु माँ कूष्माण्डा रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Maa Kushmanda Rupena Samsthita।

Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥

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