Inspirational Talks by Swamiji – Thinking and Thought process


If you identify with your body and you get attached to your body, definitely, there will be sense of inferiority or superiority complex. With reference to your body, whoever is giving some benefit to this body, knowingly or unknowingly you get attached to the body. The more you are attached to it, in life, you have complexes.

If you observe your body, it always moves based on the mind. Every movement that we make, consciously or unconsciously, it has got something to do with the mind. If your thoughts are not well-arranged, your actions are not arranged either. You must have observed this yourself. Disturbed action is a consequence of a disturbed mind. Say you are in a class and someone rings the bell. Your mind tends to get distracted from the class. This way, you keep reacting to small things in our life. If you keep reacting to every little thing, your mind will not be prepared for Brahma jnanam.

Your lifestyle or living improves or changes for good when you are serious about your life. If you take everything lightly, then your mind will not listen to you. In the name of self-knowledge or Vedic knowledge, many people have started to do an intellectual massage. If you approach Vedic knowledge with this mindset, there is  no doubt that your intellectual muscles will become stronger. However, nothing will change in your life.

That person becomes free, who does not want to live uncosciously. One has to be very careful, must observe ones own thoughts to regulate ones own action. I have been observing my mind. If I don’t observe my mind for a second, it will not take a minute for my body to act based on that. The way you think, accordingly your face changes as the body listens to the mind.

When there is connection between body and mind, and the surroundings, you must try your best to take care of your body, mind and your surroundings. In no time, you can allow your mind to do whatever it wants to do. This way, you will be destroying yourself without your knowledge. Just observe your day-to-day life. Do you allow your mind to think the way it wants? Nobody can help you if you allow yourself to be destroyed. Your habitual error takes over your mind. For example, a person born and brought up in Italy will like to have pasta. If you keep many food varieties and pasta, the Italian will naturally go for pasta. This is a habitual process. Anytime, you do anything, it is mainly because of your habits. There is a saying “Watch your thoughts, or it will become your action. Watch your action, or it will become your habit. Watch your habit or it will become your lifestyle.” This means your lifestyle or habit comes from a thought.

If you nourish your thoughts, it becomes action. If that action is interesting for you, then you start repeating the action. Once you keep repeating, it becomes a habit. Once the habit continues, it becomes your lifestyle. One has to be careful not to allow ones thoughts to take over. Else you cannot observe your mind. Every parent want their children to listen to them, but they do not spend time for their children.

How much time do you give to obseve your mind? Have you ever observed the gap between your thought and action? When a small mosquito bites, the information goes to the mind. The mind says, “There is a mosquito and its painful. Hey hand, hit that mosquito”. The hand hits the mosquito in such a way that the mosquito is dead. To explain this action, how long did it take? But for the action to happen, it is just a split second. The more gap you see between your thought and your action, the more you are a matured person. That person is emotionally matured, who is able to see the gap between his thoughts and actions. If you dont become matured within, nobody will listen to you. However, your expectation is that, irrespective of your maturity you want everyone to listen to you.

You think enjoyment is whatever you think happens as per your wish. However,  that  is not enjoyment. It is bondage. In life, whatever happens, mind must be ready to accept it. The more you reject things in life, the more you suffer.

One day, Moolah was sitting in his house. His son was good for nothing. The whole village was complaining that the young boy was not doing anything. The village went to meet Moolah and told him that his son is idle and wasting his life. They asked him why he was keeping the son in the house. Moolah asked “How do you know he is useless. Maybe he is useful?” After a few days, Moolah’s sone went to the forest taking his horse. In the evening he came back with a wild horse from the forest. The wild horse belonged to a very good breed. The next day, the same villagers came and said to Moolah “ Your son is very useful.” Moolah said “How do you know my son is useful? Maybe he is useless.” Another day, the son was driving the wild horse and broke his back. The horse also ran away. The villagers came to Moolah and said “Sorry to hear about the bad thing happened to your son”. Moolah said “How do you know it is bad? Maybe it is good.”. After a few days, war was announced and young people were forced to join the army. Moolah’s son was injured and did not join. No one ever came back from the war.

The essence of this story is “What we think is really good, may not be good. What we think is really bad, may not be that bad.” However with reference to good or bad, we jump to conclusions. You assume what is good and what is bad. When you are away from the fact, giving importance to the thoughts or imaginations makes you jump or shift. A child can afford   to jump, but not a grown up. If you consider yourself as a grown up person, you cannot jump. This is called knowledge.

In the intial stages of life, person has to be careful. For example, when you learn driving, you keep thinking of it all the time. You put lot of effort consciously. You also observe others driving. This will help you learn faster.  As you become used to driving, it gets into your system. You drive with one hand and take a phone call on the other. Unless driving gets into your system you cannot become a good driver. Same way, you must learn to drive your mind. The art of driving your mind, must get into your system. Else you will not be able to handle it. Therefore, it is important for all of you to spend some time for your mind. As long as your mind is predominant or decides your actions, that long there will be confusion in your actions as well.

A person must understand that “I am the absolute Truth, I am Brahman, I am not the information that I have. ”You were not born with a name, but you die with a name. A name is being given to identify this body. However, we literally cry for the name. You are unable to compromise with your name. There are people who destroy their life for their name.

That person is caught in the chain of actions and reactions, who does not give importance to the gap between the thoughts and the actions. This is called Samsara (bondage) and Karma.

May you learn to give some time to see the thought and action. Accept others as they are and do not try to establish or prove yourself. What you do at this moment, you do not know if it right or wrong. Please keep some time for your thinking process. Else Vedanta will not work and will just be an academic exercise.

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