Sin Attracts Sin


Swami Ananda Saraswati

Both papa (sin) and punya (good deeds) are like beads in a garland. The way the first bead attracts the second, second attracts third, and so on, similarly, the good deeds lead to another; while one sin leads to another.

Sin (commitions) fuels the arrogance of a person. The person keeps committing sins just to nourish one’s own arrogance. He feels elevated and gets some importance while committing mistakes without looking at the consequences. Whereas, if he starts looking at the grave consequence of any committed sin, will not commit further mistakes. But when a person is blinded by arrogance, will be unable to see the consequences. Because of this, he keeps committing sins after sin. A new tradition of unrighteousness and crime keeps getting augmented by him.

As each one of us has our own limit, so also society has its own limit. The number of treacherous and deceitful acts and crime society can tolerate and the number of crimes and deceitful actions it can pardon is decided by the society itself. In a society, the one who has the power to punish the wrong needs to take that decision.

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