Master and Slave


Never ever try to become a master of someone in life. The more you try to become a master of someone, the more you become a slave of the same person or object.

If you see a man who is taking his cow, tied down with a rope, to graze in the field, you will definitely say that the man is the master and the cow is a slave. The cow is tied down with a rope that too the neck portion. But in reality, the cow is not the slave but the man who is attached to the cow is really a slave. If somehow, the rope is released from the hand of the man or the rope gets cut in between, then will the cow follow the man or the man will run behind the cow? It means, physically the rope was on the neck of the cow but the invisible rope tied down the man. That’s why when the cow ran, the man ran behind the cow. Here master becomes a slave. In order not to allow yourself to become a slave of someone, make sure, you must not take anything from the person. If at all the person gives something to you, then give it away in multiple ways. Make sure, you are not dependant upon that person at any given moment.

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