Love and Attachment – How to grow out of it?

love and attachment

Swami Ananda Saraswati

Love guides a person towards success. It teaches about the appropriate and inappropriate. If you have love, then you cannot be bound by unrighteousness nor would your mind have been its captive. If so, then it is not ‘love’ but it is ‘attachment’. But you name it as love to continue doing whatever you are doing!

There is a difference between love and attachment. But when you are in an attachment, you say attachment is born of love. But in reality, it is not true. The truth is, where there is love, there cannot be any attachment. Love is born of knowledge and compassion, whereas, attachment is born of ignorance and arrogance. Love says, all my people will get all sort of happiness and comforts of the worlds from the Almighty God, whereas, attachment says, I will give all the happiness and comforts of the world to my people. Love says, may one take pride in one’s people, whereas, attachment says, may my people take pride in me. Love gives freedom, whereas, attachment binds oneself. Love is righteous and healthy. whereas, attachment is unrighteous and unhealthy.

With loved ones you are always right; whereas, with whom you are attached, you will make mistakes. Seeing loved one’s pain and difficulties, you will teach them to be patient and contented, whereas, seeing the pain and difficulties in your attached ones, you will sympathise and do your best to overcome the difficulties. If you really love a person, instead of making his/her future bright, you will make his/her character bright. May you remember, because of attachment towards your dearer ones, not only that person makes mistakes after mistakes but also you transfer your greed, fear, and avarice that too without your knowledge to them. It is the attachment that creates all sorts of problems in our life.

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