Inspirational Talks by Swamiji


What is Impossible? In life there is nothing called impossible. But in our day to day life, we use the word “impossible” unnecessarily. When a person uses the word “impossible”, that must be a conclusion about a given thing about that person. Impossible is just a conclusion that a person has arrived at. What sort of conclusion is it? Impossible being a conclusion expresses your bitterness that you have gone through. When you say, it is impossible with respect to work, there must be some bitterness with reference to that work or the people who are involved in that work. Unless there is some type of bitterness in you, you cannot use the word impossible. Hence impossible is a conclusion which expresses the bitterness you have gone through. Why do you have to learn from everyone? In life, we have to learn from everything. If somebody is able to teach us something, that too in keeping with reasoning and experience (Shruti, Yukti and Anubhava), definitely we have to learn.

Even if a person is a child, despite having limited experience, if it is able to teach something we have to learn.

If a child teaches something, in keeping with logic and there is some source behind it, even a learned person has to learn from the child.

Does not the small lamp light up things which sun cannot do. If there is some knowledge, even if it is from a child, we must respect that child to learn that knowledge. How to keep learning all the time? For learning there is no time. At any moment, a person can and must learn. Whenever you learn something you never miss. Infact, learning is never useless. It has usefulness all the time. There is a beautiful verse.

Even if a person who is old (instead of worrying about things), he must spend time to learn scriptures. When you learn you don’t have to worry that the knowledge does not bring result in this life. It will be easier to bring the same knowledge in your next life. What you do, that only you get. Whatever knowledge is very difficult, you must not have learnt it in your previous life. Hence never stop learning. How to handle any problem with confidence? It is always better to handle the situation when it is smaller. When the situation becomes complicated, definitely, it needs lot of effort. It will be tough for a person to handle that given situation.

If we observe it is very easy to cut down a tender plant. When the same plant grows up and to cut down the same plant when it is fully grown requires more effort. Any disease or emotions when it is like a tender plant (early stage) it can be managed easily. When same emotion gets stronger or matured, it is almost incurable. We need to find out when it starts germination stage and address it. How to know when good luck or bad luck is coming? There is a beautiful saying that time will unfold everything. Something it appears that everything is ordained as per the time. When the time is favourable to us, everything becomes beautiful. When time is not favourbable, everything goes other way around.

For a man when there is good fortune, even if a thunderbolt fallen upon him changes to a flower. A flower represents the respect, prosperity, many good things in life. Thunderbolt represents the worst thing in life. During adverse times, even if a flower falls on a person, becomes more painful than a thunderbolt. When time unfolds everything, we learn to develop patience. We have to learn to face the time as it unfolds. If we become impatient with respect to time and if we manipulate time according to our way of thinking or living, we will not keep up with that time and will feel miserable in our day to day life. How to be accepted? In life you want to be accepted and respected. You do many things in order to be accepted and respected.

If you look at people, even if they are sastrajnah, and are able to explain the secret of scriptures. Unfortunately, they are not able to live with the knowledge that is revealed in the scriptures. This is because they are always focussed on explaining the sastra to others, in order to remain accepted and draw attention from others. If you observe, our hand just takes the food into the mouth, but cannot enjoy the taste of the food. The taste is cherised only by the tongue and not by the hand. Similarly, let us cherish the knowledge in the sastra and not just live to be accepted and respected by others

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