Swamiji”s new year message 2019 : “Let me do something for myself”


“Namaste !! Wish you all a very happy, prosperous, English new calendar year, 2019. Let this year bring good health,  prosperity and happiness in our day to day life. Generally in a new year day, we start the year with a resolution and we maintain a diary in the progress of that resolution. For some of us, in few months, the writing in the diary gets stopped. For some of us, it will be few weeks or even few days.

The reason behind the little living nature of the resolution is, we make resolutions that are related to others. We make resolutions to prove or establish something. In course of time, when we discover that we cannot prove or there is no need to prove or establish something, our resolution gets dropped.

This new year, let’s make a resolution for ourself and not for others. Let’s take a resolution this year, to do something for ourself! We can repeat this mantra daily, “Today I will do something for myself !”.

Generally we wake up daily for the sake of others. Let us make a resolution today that we will wake up tomorrow for ourself. When we wake up tomorrow for ourself, the day becomes beautiful. When the new year day becomes beautiful, the entire year becomes beautiful.

Thank you very much ! Wish you all the best. I am always with you”

– Swami Ananda Sarawati

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