Alexander The Great’s Promise


Story taken from the book, “Perennial wisdom through stories” written by Swami Ananda Sarawati.


Alexander, the Great once approached a Master in Greece. The Master was not having even a piece of cloth. When the mighty conqueror saw him, he could not believe that such a person could be happy and contented without owning anything. Alexander wondered,” Why am I, with so much won, still unhappy? ”


Alexander asked the Master, “Please tell me how you are so happy and contented without anything? What is the secret?”


The Master smiled and said, “Son, not only am I happy, but I can also teach you to be happy. Give me some time and I will teach you the secret of living happily.”


Alexander said, “Sir, I have decided to conquer India. Presently I move there with my army. I will come back to you after that to learn your secret.”


Alexander invaded North India. He never returned home. On the way back, he fell ill. He pleaded with his doctors, “O please save me. I want to live and go and see that Master. I promised to see him after this conquest.” A helpless physician replied, “Sir, no mortal can promise with certainty any future action.”


Let us do what we must, here and now. We do not know what may happen in the next hour, leave alone tomorrow.

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