Guru Purnima Puja – Purvanga Puja step by step with ilustration and meaning in sanskrit

Õøþéøøâw«¯ Õøþjøø
Steps involved before puja begins
Mentally prepare your self for performing the puja. Take some water from Panchapatra and sprinkle on your head while chanting this given below mantra.
÷ !øÕøúéøÊø: ÕøúéøÊøø+ éøø òøéøøâéøòËøø@ ªøÇøø+{ùÕø éøø |                                
Þø: òÛøá+Çø} Õøüm®áû¡¢ø¦ø@ òø éøøöàøÙÞøÒÇøá: îøüú²ø: G
(Whether it is pure or impure, or in any other state, the one who remembers the name of the Lord Pundarikaaksha ,that person gets purified  both within and outside.)
!øøòøÒø Õøþjøø
Sprinkle water on your seat while chanting this given below mantra.
Õø;úËéø ÇéøÞøø Ðø;Çøø æø+¡¢ø: Ì+éøû Çéø@ úéøðmøüÒøø Ðø;Çøø |
Çéø@ ²ø ÐøøáÞø Ûøø@ Ì+úéø ÕøúéøÊø@ ¡ü¢) ²øøòøÒøÛø} G
(Oh mother earth, all the worlds are being held by you. You are being held by God Vishnu. Oh Goddess! May you hold me and purify my seat.)
ÌûÕø Õøþjøø
Light the oil lamp while chanting this given below mantra:

Lamp Puja

Lamp Puja
îøüÙø@ ¡¢áø+úÇø ¡¢èÞøømøÛø} !øøáø+ªÞø@ ÐøÒøòøÛÕøÌ: |                       
íøÊøþ×øüüúpÑúéøÒøøíøøÞø ÌûÕøjÞøø+úÇøÒøâÛøø+{òÇøü Çø+ G  
(Oh light of the lamp you bring auspiousness, prosperity, health and abundance of wealth. Salutations to you for the removal of wrong decision.)
Offer sandal paste, vermilion and flowers to the lamp while chanting this given below mantra:
÷ÌûÕøøÞø ÒøÛø: ²øÒÌÒø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø, ÇøòÞøø+Õøùá ôùáÌãø¡ü¢w£ý¯Ûø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
÷ ÌûÕøøÞø ÒøÛø: ÕøüðÕøøúmø òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Offer salutations to the lamp while chanting this given below mantra:
ÌûÕøjÞøø+úÇø: Õøá@ ×øãöÜ ÌûÕøjÞøø+úÇøjøâÒøøÌâÒø: |
ÌûÕøø+ Ûø+ ôáÇøü ÕøøÕø@ ÌûÕøjÞøø+úÇøÒøâÛøø+{òÇøü Çø+ G
ÌûÕøÌ+úéø ÛøôøÌ+úéø îøüÙø@ ÙøéøÇøü Ûø+ òøÌø |
ÞøøéøÇø} ÕøþjøøòøÛøøúÖø: òÞøøÇø} ÇøøéøÇÕøãjéøæ òøüúòËøáø G
(Salutations unto the light of lamp that which stands for Absolute Brahman and also Lord Janardana (the destroyer of evil forces). Let that take away my papas).
After chanting each of the following three mantras, take a sip of water.
For Ladies –
÷ !ø²ÞøüÇøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
 ÷ !øÒøÒÇøøÞø ÒøÛø: ||
÷ ªøø+úéøÒÌøÞø ÒøÛø: |    
{Salutations unto the Lord Acyuta (One who never moves away from His nature.)}
{Salutations unto the Lord Ananta (One who is limitless.)}
{Salutations unto the Lord Govinda (one who is the master of all his sense organs)}
For Gents –
gents aCHAMANA
÷ !ø²ÞøüÇøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ !øÒøÒÇøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ ªøø+úéøÒÌøÞø ÒøÛø: |
ªøü) ÐÞøøÒøÛø}
Visualise your own guru while chanting this given below mantra:
Guru Dhanyam
ªøü)×øãââöÜø ªøü)úéøâðmøü: ªøü)Ì+âéøø+ Ûøô+îøêá: |
ªøü)òòøø¦øøÇø} Õøá@ ×øããöÜ ÇøòÛøe îøãûªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø: G
{Salutations to that teacher who is the creator (of my way of thinking), the sustainer (of thinking), and the destroyer (of my ignorance), who is the absolute supreme reality (for me).}
îøãûªømø+íø ÐÞøøÒøÛø}
The two hands are to be folded and two sides of the forehead struck gently five times while chanting the given below mantra with the meditation of Sri Ganapati.
ganesha Dhanam
îøü¡ç¢øÛ×øáÐøá@ úéøðmøü@ íøúíøéømøâ@ ²øÇøüÙøüâjøÛø} |
ÕøãòøNøéøÌÒø@ ÐÞøøÞø+Çø} òøéøâúéø¬øÓø+ÕøíøøÒÇøÞø+ G 

(The all pervading, clad in white garment, resplendent like the moon, the four armed and cheerful faced lord is to be meditated to ward of all obstacles.)

Pranayam 1
After making Nasika mudra in right hand, close the right nostril with right thumb, inhale through left nostril while chanting given below mantra mentally.
÷ Ùøþ: | ÷ Ùøþéø: | ÷ E òøüéø: | ÷ Ûøô: | ÷ jøÒø: | ÷ ÇøÕø: | ÷ E òøCÇÞøÛø} |(The Omkara/ is this world (bhu), world bhuva/, world suva/, world maha/, world jana/, world tapa/ (and) the world satyam i.e. the seven spheres of existence, beginning with this physical bhu.)
Retain the breath inside by closing the right nostril with the right thumb and left nostril with the little and ring fingers while chanting mentally this given below mantra:
÷ ÇøÇòøDúéøCÇøüéøâáB+mÞøÛø} | ÙøªDøø+â Ì+CéøòÞøD ÐøûÛøùô | úÐøÞøø+C Þøø+ Òø:D Õøã²øø+CÌÞøøBÇø} |
(We meditate upon the divine light of that adorable Sun that is all knowing God. May he set our intellects in the right direction.)
Exhale through right nostril while chanting
mentally this given below mantra:
÷ !øøÕøø+C jÞøø+ÇøûCáòøø+C{Ûø;Çø@C ×øãöÜC ÙøþÙøüâéøCòòøüéøCáø+Ûø} G 

(Om is the water, light, essence, the immortal, reality; the physical, intermediate and heaven worlds, is Om.)
This becomes half round of Pranayama/. Do few rounds of Pranayama. Finally touch the right ear.

¬øm¾ø Õøþjøø
Worship the bell by putting sandal paste, vermilion and decorating with flowers. Chant this given below mantra.
!øøªøÛøøËøâ@ Çøü Ì+éøøÒøø@ ªøÛøÒøøËøâ@ ²ø á¦øòøøÛø} |
¡ü¢) ¬øm¾+ éøá@ ÒøøÌ@ Ì+éøÇøøòËøøÒøòø@úÒøÐøøe G     
(May (the bell) make good sound in the place of God, for the arrival of the deities and for the departure of evil forces.)
After the worshiping, ring the bell and keep it in its own place.
Clasp your right palm over the left palm keeping flowers or akshata along with water; place them on your right thigh. After chanting the given below mantra put flowers and akshata on the north side.
ÛøÛøø+ÕøøÉÇøYòøÛøòÇø ÌüùáÇø¦øÞøÌêøáø îøãûÕøáÛø+îøêá ÕøãûÇÞøËøâ@ ¡¢ùáðÞøÛøømøòÞø
¡¢Ûøâmø: úÒøúéøâ¬øÓ+Òø ÕøùáòøÛøøÖÞøËøâ@ !øøÌøe îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêá Õøþjøø@ ¡¢ùáðÞø+ G 
(In the beginning, I worship to Lord of obstacles to complete the given work without any obstacles to obtain the grace of the God through the removal of all afflictions resulting from my omissions and commissions.)
îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêá Õøþjøø
Make an idol of Lord Ganesha out of turmeric powder and place it on a plate.
Meditation on Lord Ganesha

Meditate on Lord Ganesha and invite Him unto the turmeric Ganesha. Chant this given below mantra:
÷ ªøCmøøÒøøB@ Çéøø ªøCmøÕøDúÇøE ôéøøÛøô+ ¡¢Cúéø@ ¡¢DéøûCÒøøÛøüDÕøCÛøîøãDéøòÇøÛøÛø} |
jÞø+CñÂCáøjø@C ×øãöÜDmøø@ ×øãöÜmøòÕøÇøC !øø ÒøD: îø;CméøNøþCúÇøúÙøDòòøûÌC òøøÌDÒøÛø} G
÷ îøãû ÛøôøªømøÕøÇøÞø+ ÒøÛø: G   
Put flowers and akshat on Turmeric Ganesha while chanting this given below mantra:

!øúòÛøÒø} ôùáÌãøú×øÛ×ø+ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêá@ ÐÞøøÞøøúÛø, !øøéøøôÞøøúÛø |
Offering seat
Put akshata on turmeric Ganesha while chanting this given below mantra.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, !øøòøÒø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø | ÇøÌËøâÛø} !ø¦øÇøøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛøG
Offer water in the arghyam cup as though to cleanse the feet of Lord Ganesha while chanting this given below mantra.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, ÕøøÌÞøø+: ÕøøÏ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour little water in arghyam cup as though to cleanse the hands of Lord Ganesha while chanting this given below mantra.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, !ø¬Þøâ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour little water in arghyam cup as though to offer water to the God for inner purification.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour one Uddharini of honey in arghyam cup while chanting this given below mantra.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, ÛøÐøüÕø¡â@¢ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Sprinkle little water with flower on Turmeric Ganesha.
÷ îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêáøÞø ÒøÛø:, óøÓøÒø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour one Uddharini of water in arghyam cup as though to offer water to the God for inner purification.
óøÓøÒøøÒøÒÇøá@ !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Offer akshata to the God in place of offering  cloth, ornament and sacred thread.
éøòÊøY!øæw£¯øáY$ÕøéøûÇøøËøâ@ !ø¦øÇøøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Smear sandal paste on Turmeric Ganesha and put vermilion on it.
ªøÒÐøøÒø} ÐøøáÞøøúÛø |
ªøÒÐøòÞøø+Õøùá ôùáÌãøY¡ü¢w£ý¯Ûø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Put flowers on turmeric Ganesha.
ÕøüðÕøe: ÕøþjøÞøøúÛø |
Do the arcana with flowers and akshata
÷ òøüÛøü¨øøÞø ÒøÛø: | 
÷ %¡¢ÌÒÇøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ ¡¢ùÕøæøÞø ÒøÛø: | 
÷ ªøjø¡¢møâ¡¢øÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ æÛ×øø+ÌáøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ úéø¡¢¾øÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ úéø¬øÓáøjøøÞø ÒøÛø: | 
÷ úéøÒøøÞø¡¢øÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ ÐøþÛø¡+¢Çøéø+ ÒøÛø: |
÷ ªømøøÐÞø¦øøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ Õø¢øæ²øÒÌãøÞø ÒøÛø: | 
÷ ªøjøøÒøÒøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ éø¡ã¢Çøüm®øÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ îøþÕøâ¡¢møøâÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ ô+áÛ×øøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ ò¡¢ÒÌÕøþéøâjøøÞø ÒøÛø: |
÷ îøãû úòøúpÑúéøÒøøÞø¡¢øÞø ÒøÛø: | |
ÒøøÒøøúéøÐø ÕøùáÛøæ ÕøÊøÕøüðÕøøúmø òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Show lighted incensed sticks and lighted lamp.
ÐøþÕø@ ÌíøâÞøøúÛø |
ÌûÕø@ ÌíøâÞøøúÛø |
Take one spoon of water from Pancapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel.
ÐøþÕøÌûÕøøÒøÒÇøáÛø} !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(After dhupa and dipa , I offer you water for inner purification.)
Pour water around the Naivedyam plate while chanting this given below mantra. Ring the bell in left hand.
÷ ÙøþÙøüâéøCòòøüéøD: |Sprinkle little water on naivedyam by chanting this given below mantra.
÷ ÇøÇòøDúéøCÇøüéøâáB+mÞøÛø} | ÙøªDøø+â Ì+CéøòÞøD ÐøûÛøùô | úÐøÞøø+C Þøø+ Òø:D Õøã²øø+CÌÞøøBÇø} |

Pour water around the Naivedya plate
while chanting this given below mantra.
Ì+éø òøúéøÇø: Õøãòøüéø | òøÇÞø@ ÇéøÇø+âÒø Õøùáúðø¼ø´øúÛø |

Show Dhenu Mudra *on Naivedya plate. Pour water in the arghyam cup while chanting this given below mantra.

!øÛø;ÇøÛøòÇøü |!øÛø;Çøø+ÕøòÇøámøÛøúòø | 
Ring the bell and offer the Naivedyam with a flower and tulasi leaf in hand, with a sweeping motion from food up towards the alter, for each of these chants.
÷ ÕøãøCmøøÞøC òéøøôBø  |
÷ !øCÕøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø |
÷ éÞøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôøB | 
÷ $CÌøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø | 
÷ òøCÛøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø |
÷ ×øãöÜDmø+C òéøøôBø | 
×øãöÜøÕøâmø@ ×øãöÜôúéø: ×øãöÜøªøÓøe ×øãöÜmøø ôüÇøÛø} |
×øãöÜeéø Çø+Òø ªøÒÇøéÞø@ ×øãöÜ¡¢ÛøâòøÛøøúÐøÒøø G
÷ îøãû ÛøôøªømøøúÐøÕøÇøÞø+ ÒøÛø:, ¡¢ÌæûÕø¢æ@ úÒøéø+ÌÞøøúÛø |
{I offer this to five pranas (prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana) and to the lord. Offer food at the feet of the lord while chanting, The means of offering is Brahman. The offering is Brahman. It is offered into the fire of Brahman by Brahman. Brahman alone is to be reached by one who sees Brahman in every action. Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I offer you banana.}
!øÛø;ÇøøùÕøÐøøÒøÛøúòø |
After offering food, meditate for sometime, believing Lord is taking food. Pour water in the arghyam cup as though you are providing water to drink while He is having His food.
ÛøÐÞø+ ÛøÐÞø+ !øÛø;ÇøÕøøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour water around the Prasada plate while chanting this given below mantra.
!øÛø;ÇøøùÕøÐøøÒøÛøúòø |
Pour water in the arghyam cup as though you are providing water to wash the hand and face of Lord.
ôòÇøÕøã¦øøæÒøøËøâ@ Ûøü¨øÕøã¦øøæÒøøËøâ@ ²ø jøæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour water from Uddharini on tambulam. Offer betel leaves and nuts while chanting,
ÇøøÛ×øþæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(O lord! I offer you betel leaves and nuts.)
Show the camphor with circular clockwise motion three times while ringing the bell with the left hand and chanting,
Òø ÇøÊø òøþÞøø+â ÙøøúÇø Òø ²øÒÌãÇøøá¡¢Ûø}
 Òø+Ûøø úéøÏüÇøø+ ÙøøúÒÇø ¡ü¢Çøø+{ÞøÛøúªøÓ: |
ÇøÛø+éøÙøøÒÇøÛøÒøüÙøøúÇø òøéøâÛø}
 ÇøòÞø Ùøøòøø òøéøâúÛøÌ@ úéøÙøøúÇø G
(There the sun does not shine nor the moon or stars. There this lightning does not shine what to talk of this small lamp? That (consciousness) shines, everything shines after it. By the light of that consciousness, all this shines in various forms.)
÷ îøãû ÛøôøªømøøúÐøÕøÇøÞø+ ÒøÛø:, ¡¢ÕøþâáÒøûáøjøÒø@ òøÒÌíøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I show you lighted camphor.)
Take one spoon of water from Pancapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel (arghya patra).
¡¢ÕøþâáÒøûáøjøÒøøÒøÒÇøáÛø} !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh lord! I offer you water for inner purification.)
Offering salutation
Take some flowers in your hand and chant this given below mantra and offer to the lord.
îøãpÑÞøø úòøÇølÞøø ÙøÇølàø ôøÌâÕøã+Ûmøø òøÛøùÕøâÇø: |
ÛøÒÊøÕøüðÕøø¼ø¸úæïøøÞø@ ¡;¢ÕøÞøø ÕøãúÇøªø;öàÇøøÛø} G÷ îøãû ÛøôøªømøøúÐøÕøÇøÞø+ ÒøÛø:,ÛøÒÊøÕøüðÕøø¼ø¸úæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I offer you hand full of flowers with sacred chants.)
Turn around yourself for once clockwise while chanting given below mantra.
ÞøøúÒø ¡¢øúÒø ²ø ÕøøÕøøúÒø jøÒÛøøÒÇøá¡;¢ÇøøúÒø ²ø |
ÇøøúÒø ÇøøúÒø úéøÒøíÞøúÒÇø ÕøãÌú¦ømøÕøÌ+ ÕøÌ+ G
(Let all the omissions and commissions done in this life and also in previous lives and its results that causes afflictions perish with every step during pradakshina.)
Prostrate in front of the Lord while facing towards north or east.
÷ îøãû ÛøôøªømøøúÐøÕøÇøÞø+ ÒøÛø:, ÕøãÌú¦ømøÒøÛøò¡¢øáøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |

(Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I offer you circumambulation and prostration.)

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