How to know when you are an enemy to yourself?


When you do not want to do anything in your life, that time you are not only enemy to others, but also for one’s own self. Let’s look at a small story. There were two lazy youngsters, who were sleeping in a clubhouse located outside the village. One fellow said, “Look, one side of me is becoming warmer”. The other said, “Yes, one of my sides is also becoming warmer. Let’s push each other so that the warmth will be managed”. In reality, the place had caught fire, but the youngsters were so lazy, that they didn’t realize the fire. They simply didn’t want to move and explore new things.
In life, we also tend to get into this habit sometimes. We become very comfortable with what we are doing that we become close-minded and stop taking challenges. We tend to develop laziness and the Tamas quality in us becomes so strong that fear starts to settle in. We will start fearing whenever our thoughts are challenged. This fear in turn leads to anger and depression thereby taking a toll on our health. Hence the key is to ensure we never allow our mind to find its comfort zone, as prolonged comfort leads to laziness which in turn causes fear, anger, and depression. We must prevent our mind from becoming our boss without our knowledge.

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