Guru Purnima Guru Pada Puja step by step by Swami Ananda Saraswati

On Guru Purnima Day, every teacher and student do Guru Pada Puja.  Here Swami Ananda Saraswati Presents in details for everyone.
If you want the complete book with illustration, pls. write to [email protected]
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The two hands is to be folded and two sides of the forehead struck gently five times while chanting the given below mantra with the meditation of Sri Ganapati.
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ÕøãømøøÞøøÛø: After making Nasika mudra in right hand, close the right nostril with right thumb, inhale through left nostril while chanting given below mantra mentally.
÷ Ùøþ: | ÷ Ùøþéø: | ÷ E òøüéø: | ÷ Ûøô: | ÷ jøÒø: | ÷ ÇøÕø: | ÷ E òøCÇÞøÛø} |
Retain the breath inside by closing the right nostril with the right thumb and left nostril with the little and ring fingers while chanting mentally this given below mantra:
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Exhale through right nostril while chanting mentally this given below mantra:
÷ !øøÕøø+C jÞøø+ÇøûCáòøø+C{Ûø;Çø@C ×øãöÜC ÙøþÙøüâéøCòòøüéøCáø+Ûø} G
This becomes half round of pranayama. Do few rounds of Pranayama. Finally touch the right ear.
Clasp your right palm over the left palm keeping flowers or akshata along with water; place them on your right thigh. After chanting the given below mantra put flowers and akshata on the north side.
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Put flowers and akshata on Turmeric Ganesha while chanting this given below mantra and move it towards north side:
éø¡ã¢Çøüm® Ûøôø¡¢øÞø òøþÞøâ¡¢ø+ú¾ òøÛøÕøãÙø |
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íøø+ÙøÒøøËø+â ¦ø+ÛøøÞø ÕøüÒøáøªøÛøÒøøÞø ²ø |
Take the Prasad plate that has been offered to Lord Ganesha and touch your forehead to it while chanting this given below mantra:
îøãû úéø¬øÓ+îøêá ÕøãòøøÌ@ úíøáòøø ªø;õøúÛø G
Keeping the prasad away from you wash your palms.
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Folding hands prostrate oneself while chanting this given below mantra.
Ì+ôø+ Ì+éøøæÞø: Õøãø+Çøl: jøûéøø+ Ì+éøòòøÒøøÇøÒø: |
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(The body is the temple. The jiva is the deity of this temple since beginingless time. May one remove the ignorance which is the dirt, (and) worship the lord with an understanding that he is non-separate from oneself.)
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Put flowers to the Mandapam where Lord is seated while chanting these given below mantras.
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The Sixteen Steps of Puja
1. !øøéøøôÒøÛø}
Welcoming the God (Invocation)
Take handful of flowers and keeping in your both hands visualise the form of to be worshipped Teacher and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, offer at the feet of the teacher.
×øãöÜøÒøÒÌ@ ÕøáÛøòøü¨øÌ@ ¡+¢éøæ@ ¹øøÒøÛøþúÇøâÛø}
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Offer flower to the Lord while chanting this given below mantra.
×øãöÜúéøÏøÕøãÌøÇøøá@ îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, !øøéøøôÒøøËø+â ÕøüðÕø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø  |
2. !øøòøÒøÛø}
Offering a place to seat.
Take handful of flower and akshata, keeping in your both hands chant the given below mantra. After chanting, offer at the feet of the teacher.
#îøêáø+ ªøü)áøÇÛø+úÇø ÛøþúÇøâÙø+ÌúéøÙøøúªøÒø+ |
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Offering a pot filled with water and on the top of it mango leaves, coconut, and flowers.
2.  Õøþmøâ¡ü¢ÛÙø:
!øÒÇø: Õøþmøø+â ×øùôðÕøþmøâ: Õøþmøâ¡ü¢ÛÙø “éøømøâéø+ |
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3. ÕøøÏÛø}
Providing water for washing the feet.
Take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, offer at the feet of the lord or showing to the lord, pour it in another vessel(arghya cup).
ÞøÇÕøøÌÕøw£¯jøÌêÒÌêYªøãômø+Òø ÛøüÛøü¦øéø: |
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4. !ø¬ÞøâÛø}
Offering scented water for washing hands.
Offer water mixed with sandalpaste and flowers in a cup or take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel.
!øæ×Ðéøø{úÇøíøÞø@ ÞøòÛøøÌ} éÞøøéø;ÉÇøøòÇøÛø×øøÌÞø: |
ªøáûÞøòø+ ÒøÛøòÇøòÛøe !øúéøÏøªøãúÒËøÙø+ùÌÒø+ G
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5. !øø²øÛøÒøûÞøÛø}
Offering water for inner purification.
Offer cold water mixed with camphor in a cup or take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel.
¡¢Õøþâá+mø òøüªøÒÐø+Òø éøøúòøÇø@ òéøøÌü íøûÇøæÛø} |
Çøø+ÞøÛøø²øÛøÒøûÞøøËøâ@ ªø;õÒÇøü ÕøáÛø+îøêáø: G
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Offering sweet
Take one spoon of honey and show to the lord, and pour it in another vessel.
÷ !øøÇÛøòøÒÇøüñÀøÞø îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ÛøÐøüÕø¡â@¢ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I offer you the sweet.)
6. óøÓøÒøÛø}
Offering bath
Offer Ganges water mixed with camphor, sandal and other scented objects in a cup or take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the teacher and pour it in another vessel.
Þø²µüpÑéøø¡¢àÇøûËø+âðøü óøÓøÇøø: ÕøümÞøø ÛøüÛøü¦øéø: |
úéøájøø ×øãöÜ ªø²µúÒÇø ÇøòÛøe îøãûªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø: G
Ûøôøéøø¡¢àø+ÕøÌ+íø¡¢Êø+â îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, óøÓøÒøûÞø@ jøæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
óøÓøÒøøÒÇø+ !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ jøæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(After the bath, I offer you water for inner purification.)
¡¢v Õø¼ø´øÛø;ÇøYóøÓøÒøÛø}
Offering panchamrutam bath
Offer panchamrutam in a cup and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the Guru and keep it aside.
ÕøÞøø+ ÌúÐø ¬ø;Çø@ ²øeéø ÛøÐøü ²ø íø¡â¢áøúÒéøÇøÛø} |
Õø¼ø´øÛø;Çø@ ÛøÞøø{{ÒøûÇø@ óøÓøÒøøËøâ@ ÕøãúÇøªø;öàÇøøÛø} G
ÛøÐøüáÙøøúðømø+ îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, Õø¼ø´øÛø;ÇøóøÓøÒø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh lord, may you accept the panchamrutam made by mixing milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and jaggery*, for bathing, brought  by me. Oh Lord! Salutations to you. I offer you panchamrutam for bathing.)
¨øv ªøÒÐøø+Ì¡¢óøÓøÒøÛø}
Offering sandelpaste for bathing
Offer watery sandalpaste in a cup and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the teacher and keep it aside.
ÛøæÞøø²øæòøÛÙøþÇø²øÒÌÒø+Òø úéøúÛøúîøãÇøÛø} |
“Ì@ ªøÒÐøø+Ì¡@¢ óøÓøÒø@ ¡ü¢w£ý¯ÛøøÇø@l Òøü ªø;öàÇøøÛø} G
Ìø+ðøéøújøâÇøøÞø îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ªøÒÐøø+Ì¡@¢ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
ªøv îøüpÑø+Ì¡¢óøÓøÒøÛø}
Offering pure water for bathing.
Offer pure water in a cup or take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the teacher and pour it in another vessel.
ÛøæÞøø²øæòøÛÙøþÇø²øÒÌÒøø{ªø)úÛøúîøãÇøÛø} |
òøúææ@ Ì+éøÌ+éø+íø! îøüpÑóøÓøÒøøÞø ªø;öàÇøøÛø} G
îøüpÑÛøøÒøòøøÞø îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, îøüpÑø+Ì¡¢óøÓøÒø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the teacher and pour it in another vessel.
îøüpÑø+Ì¡¢óøÓøÒøøÒÇø+ !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ jøæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
8. éøòÊøÛø}
Offer cloth and upper cloth while chanting this given below mantra.
Ûøþæ@ Çøáø+: ¡+¢éøæÛøøîøãÞøÒÇø: ÕøøúmøÌêÞø@ Ùøø+ÇøülÛøÛøÊøÞøÒÇø: |
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If there is no cloth, you can take akshaa and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, put the akshata at the alter.
¡;¢Çø¡;¢ÇÞøøÞø îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, éøòÊøøËøøâÒø} !ø¦øÇøøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
ªøü)á+éø òøÌøÒøÒÌúòøÒÐøøe úÒøÛøâªøÓÛøøÒøòø: |
ÕøøéøÞøÒéøòøüÐøø@ òøéøøâ@ úéø²ø²øøá úÒøáÒÇøá: G
ÇøÕøúòéøÒø+ îøãûòøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ÙøòÛø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
10. ªøÒÐøÛø}
Apply sandalpaste on the sandal of teacher while chanting this given below mantra.
úéøÕøãømøø@ úéøÒøÞøø+ öà+ðø: íøÛø: Õøãø¡;¢Çø $²ÞøÇø+ |
ÌÛø: Õøã¡;¢úÇøÌøÒÇøÇéøøÌ} %éø@ úéøÌêøÒø} íøÛø@ éøãjø+Çø} G
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Offering Vermilion
Apply vermilion over the sandal-paste while chanting this given below mantra.
îøãø+ùÊøÞøø+{éø;újøÒøø+{¡¢øÛøYôÇøø+ Þøø+ ×øãöÜúéøÉÇøÛø: |
×øãöÜmÞøüÕøáÇø: íøøÒÇø: úÒøùáÒÐøÒø “éøøÒøæ: G
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Offer flower garland or flowers while chanting this given below mantra.
Þø+Òø ðø®}úæw«¯òøþÊø+mø ¡;¢Çøø ÇøøÇÕøÞøâÛøøúæ¡¢ø |
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Worshipping with flowers.
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109.÷ îøãû YYYY òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:
12. ÐøþÕø:
Show the incense to the lord with circular clockwise motion three times while ringing the bell with the left hand and chanting the given below mantra.
²øÒÌÒøøªø)ÐøþÕø+Òø òøüªøÒÐøø+ Ûøø)Çøø+ ÞøËøø |
ÞøòÞø òøw«¯øÌô@ ÐøÒÞø: ÇøòÛøe îøãûªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø: G
òøÇø}Õøü)ðøøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ÐøþÕøÛø} !øø¬øãøÕøÞøøúÛø G
13. ÌûÕøÛø}
Show the ghee lamp to the lord with circular clockwise motion three times while ringing the bell with the left hand and chanting the given below mantra.
!øøéø;Çøòéøòéø*Õøømøø@ ùÊøÇøøÕøù¡ç¢ñÀÌ+ùôÒøøÛø} |
íøøòÊøéøø¡¢àøËøâÌûÕø+ÒøY!øøéø;úÇøÒøøíø¡¢ÛøøîøãÞø+ G
!øøéø;úÇøÒøøíø¡¢øÞø òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ÌûÕø@ ÌíøâÞøøúÛø G
Take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel.
ÐøþÕøÌûÕøøÒøÒÇøáÛø} !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
14. Òøeéø+ÏÛø}
¦øüúÇÕøÕøøòøø{{ÒÐÞø×øøúÐøÞøâY¡¢øÛø¡ã¢ø+ÐøøÌÞøø+{ú¨øæø: |
úæw«¯Ì+ôªøÇøø %Çø+ öàúæw«¯òÞø Òø úéøÏÇø+ G
Pour water around the Naivedyam plate while chanting this given below mantra. Ring the bell with left hand.
÷ ÙøþÙøüâéøCòòøüéøD: |
Sprinkle little water on naivedyam by chanting this given below mantra.
÷ ÇøÇòøDúéøCÇøüéøâáB+mÞøÛø} | ÙøªDøø+â Ì+CéøòÞøD ÐøûÛøùô | úÐøÞøø+C Þøø+ Òø:D Õøã²øø+CÌÞøøBÇø} |
Pour water around the Naivedya plate  while chanting this given below mantra.
Ì+éø òøúéøÇø: Õøãòøüéø | òøÇÞø@ ÇéøÇø+âÒø Õøùáúðø¼ø´øúÛø |Show Dhenu Mudra *on Naivedya plate. Pour water in the arghyam cup while chanting this given below mantra.
!øÛø;ÇøÛøòÇøü |!øÛø;Çøø+ÕøòÇøámøÛøúòø |Ring the bell and offer the Naivedyam with a flower and tulasi leaf in hand, with a sweeping motion from food up towards the alter, for each of these chants.
÷ ÕøãøCmøøÞøC òéøøôBø  |
÷ !øCÕøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø |
÷ éÞøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôøB |
÷ $CÌøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø |
÷ òøCÛøøCÒøøÞøC òéøøôBø |
÷ ×øãöÜDmø+C òéøøôBø |
×øãöÜøÕøâmø@ ×øãöÜôúéø: ×øãöÜøªøÓøe ×øãöÜmøø ôüÇøÛø} |
×øãöÜeéø Çø+Òø ªøÒÇøéÞø@ ×øãöÜ¡¢ÛøâòøÛøøúÐøÒøø G
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After offering food, meditate for sometime, believing Guru is taking food. Pour water in the arghyam cup as though you are providing water to drink while He is having His food.
ÛøÐÞø+ ÛøÐÞø+ !øÛø;ÇøÕøøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Pour water around the Prasada plate while chanting this given below mantra.
!øÛø;ÇøøùÕøÐøøÒøÛøúòø |
Pour water in the arghyam cup as though you are providing water to wash the hand and face of Lord.
ôòÇøÕøã¦øøæÒøøËøâ@ Ûøü¨øÕøã¦øøæÒøøËøâ@ ²ø jøæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |Pour water from Uddharini on tambulam. Offer betel leaves and nuts while chanting,
ÇøøÛ×øþæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |(O lord! I offer you betel leaves and nuts.)
Show the camphor with circular clockwise motion three times while ringing the bell with the left hand and chanting,
ùôámÛøÞø+ Õøá+ ¡¢ø+íø+ úéøájø@ ×øãöÜ úÒøð¡¢æÛø} |
Çø²µüÙøã@ jÞøø+úÇøðøø@ jÞøø+úÇø: ÇøÏÌøÇÛøúéøÌø+ úéøÌü: G
Òø ÇøÊø òøþÞøø+â ÙøøúÇø Òø ²øÒÌãÇøøá¡¢Ûø}
Òø+Ûøø úéøÏüÇøø+ ÙøøúÒÇø ¡ü¢Çøø+{ÞøÛøúªøÓ: |
ÇøÛø+éøÙøøÒÇøÛøÒøüÙøøúÇø òøéøâÛø}
ÇøòÞø Ùøøòøø òøéøâúÛøÌ@ úéøÙøøúÇø G
jÞøø+úÇøòéø*ÕøøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ¡¢ÕøþâáÒøûáøjøÒø@ òøÒÌíøâÞøøúÛø G
Take one spoon of water from Panchapatra and chant the given below mantra. After chanting, show to the lord and pour it in another vessel (arghya patra).
¡¢ÕøþâáÒøûáøjøÒøøÒøÒÇøáÛø} !øø²øÛøÒøûÞø@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
(Oh lord! I offer you water for inner purification.)
!øjøÛøúÒøÌãÛøòéøÕøÓÛø} !øÒøøÛø¡¢Ûø*Õø¡¢Ûø} |
òø¡;¢ùÌêÙøøÇø@ òøéøâ¹ø@ Òøø+Õø²øøá: ¡¢Ëø¼ø´Òø G
!øéÞøéøôøáøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, òøéøø+âÕø²øøáøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
òøéøø+âÕø²øøáøËøøâÒø} !ø¦øÇøøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
Singing the glory
ú²øÊø@ éø¾Çøáø+Ûøþâæ+ éø;pÑø: úíøðÞøø ªøü)Þøüâéøø |
ªøüáø+òÇøü ÛøøeÒø@ éÞøø¨ÞøøÒø@ úíøðÞøøòÇøüú²µNøòø@íøÞøø: G
úÒø)ÕøÛøøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, òÇøø+Êøøúmø òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
16. ÒøÛøò¡¢øá
Offering salutation
Hand over flowers to others and take some flowers in your hand and chant this given below mantra and offer to the lord.
îøãpÑÞøø úòøÇølÞøø ÙøÇølàø ôøÌâÕøã+Ûmøø òøÛøùÕøâÇø: |
ÛøÒÊøÕøüðÕøø¼ø¸úæïøøÞø@ ¡;¢ÕøÞøø ÕøãúÇøªø;öàÇøøÛø} G
úéøùÌÇøøú¨øæíøøòÊøøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, ÛøÒÊøÕøüðÕøø¼ø¸úæ@ òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø |
Turn around yourself for three times (at least once) clockwise while chanting given below mantra.
ÞøøúÒø ¡¢øúÒø ²ø ÕøøÕøøúÒø jøÒÛøøÒÇøá¡;¢ÇøøúÒø ²ø |
ÇøøúÒø ÇøøúÒø úéøÒøíÞøúÒÇø ÕøãÌú¦ømøÕøÌ+ ÕøÌ+ G
ÞøòÞø ÕøãòøøÌøÌôÛø+éø úéøðmøü: ÛøÞÞø+éø òøéøâ@ Õøùá¡¢úèÕøÇø@ ²ø |
“ÇËø@ úéøjøøÒøøúÛø òøÌøÇÛø*ÕøÛø} ÇøòÞøøúw­ä¯ÕøÍÜ@ ÕøãmøÇøø+{úòÛø úÒøÇÞøÛø} G
Ì;ÌâíøâÛøúÇøªøÛÙøûáÛø} !øjø@ òøøÛÞø@ úéøíøøáÌÛø} |
×øüpÑìø ÕøÌÛøÒøøÒøøÇéø@ ÒøÛøò¡ü¢Ûøø+â ÞøËøø×øæÛø} G
Offer prostration while chanting given below mantra.
òéøøÇÛø*ÕøøÞø îøãû òøÌ}ªøüáéø+ ÒøÛø:, !øÒøÒÇø¡¢ø+ú¾ÕøãÌú¦ømøÒøÛøò¡¢øáøÒø} òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
Finally chant this mantra to dedicate everything to God.
¡¢øÞø+Òø éøø²øø ÛøÒøòø+úÒÌãÞøeéøøâ ×øüpÑßøÇÛøÒøø éøø Õøã¡;¢Çø+òòéøÙøøéøøÇø} |
¡¢áø+úÛø ÞøÏÇòø¡¢æ@ ÕøáòÛøe ÒøøáøÞømøøÞø+úÇø òøÛøÕøâÞøøúÛø G
÷ ÇøÇòøÌ} |
Complete the Puja with a prostration.
Take the water, flowers and foods that is considered as Prasada, and distribute to all the people.
Thus ends Puja.
To see the Guru Pada Puja of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati keeping this text please watch
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