

dhanu (bow) – aasana (posture)

Dhanurasana is also known as Urdhva Chakrasana. Dhanurasana is a simple and very effective back bending posture. It helps to exercise the lower back and abdominal region. This is a very effective asana for developing the internal harmony and balance.

Getting Ready:

      1. Lie down on stomach.

      2. Stretch your legs and relax in Adhomukha savasana (downward facing savasana)

      3. Relax your shoulders and neck region.

      4. If you have practiced any other asana before, then take deep breath and relax until your heart beat becomes normal.

      5. If you are not sure about your flexibility, keep a soft material like a small pillow or folded towel below your forehead region so that you won’t hurt your nose while coming out of the asana.

Step by step:

      1. Place your arms parallel to your body with palm facing upwards.

      2. Rest your forehead on the mat.

      3. Bring both the legs together.

      4. Bend the knees and catch hold of your ankles with your arms.

      5. Inhale and raise your head.

      6. While inhaling, bend your whole body by stretching out arms and legs upwards and outwards from your body. This step should be done in such a way that the bow’s stem is bended by pulling the string.

      7. Don’t hold your breath and breath normally after attaining the posture.

      8. Don’t strain your shoulder and lower back and don’t loosen your arms and legs.

Common habitual errors:

      1. Stretching legs sideways.

      2. Trying to attain the bow posture by raising the head.

      3. Straining the jaws.

Coming out of the asana:

      1. Exhale slowly and bring down the chest and thighs.

      2. Release the ankles.

      3. Lower the legs and rest it on mat.

      4. Turn the head to the side ways.

      5. Relax is Adhomukha savasana. ( downward facing savasana )

Avoid this asana:

Don’t practice Dhanurasana if

          1. You are a pregnant women.

          2. You are having serious back problems.

          3. You are having hernia.

          4. You are having cervical spondylosis.

          5. You are having high blood pressure.

Initially, dhanurasana can be practiced for 2 to 3 mins. If you are not able to maintain the posture then you can remain in asana at least for 3 to 5 deep breaths and you can relax for sometimes and try doing the asana again. Dhanurasana can be practiced for longer duration if you are comfortable with retaining this posture with normal breathing.


Practicing Dhanurasana helps in stretching the back muscles and relieves the pain in the lower back. It also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles and increases the flexibility in the hip region.

Dhanurasana has lots of benefits for people suffering from physical disorders and chronic illness. It gives excellent results for asthma and diabetic patients. It also helps curing the digestive disorders and helps to recover from constipation.

Dhanurasana is good for correcting the spinal disorders and for exercising the spinal nerves and muscles. It helps relieving the pain caused by the wrong sitting posture. It expands the chest and increase the blood circulation to heart and lungs. It expands the diaphragm and stimulates the intercostal muscles thereby increasing the duration of respiratory cycle. It strengthens the shoulder muscles and increases the flexibility in the shoulder joints.

Dhanurasana is good for sadhakas practicing pranayama. It helps to increase the inhalation and helps regulating the slow exhalation process. Dhanurasana helps strengthening the focus in the naabi chakra. This is an excellent asana for gaining the internal balance. Dhanurasana helps in increasing the duration of inhalation and exhalation while practicing pranayama. This also helps increasing the internal harmony for the sadhakas.

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