To grow in our life, we should not become servant to our mind !!!


Transcribed from Swamiji’s talk at Yoga Vidya Italia


In life, consciously, we have to keep exercising our faculty of choices.  We always have to choose between the two, whether to enjoy or to grow. If we do not choose in our life, we will be chosen. If we do not choose things in right time, time will choose us.


When we are given with choices in our life and if we do not choose, we are just wasting our time and life !!! When we are given choices to grow, or to enjoy and if we choose to enjoy all the time, in the process, when we grow old, we feel strongly that we have wasted our life. All of us work hard in our life to enjoy or to relax. Enjoyment or relaxation is nothing but allowing our mind to do whatever it wants.


For an instance, let us see what a diabetic patient does. Once a person comes to know that he/she is diabetic, sub consciously the person starts loving to eat sugar or sweet. Now, mind wants sugar but as a diabetic patient, the person should not eat sugar, to stay healthy !!. Now, the person is left with two choices. One is to keep entertaining the mind as per the wish of mind. And other is to manage the mind and keep the body healthy.


Same applies in our life too. To see the growth in our life, we have to understand first, that we should not become servant to our mind !!!

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