Empty your cup before you fill it up


Story taken from the book, “Perennial wisdom through Stories” written by Swami Ananda Saraswati

A professor of philosophy visited a Master to learn about meditation.

He approached the master and asked, “Sir what is meditation?”

A true Master can know a person at a glance. He looked at the Professor and was silent. When the professor repeated his question the Master said politely, “Son it is the time for tea and we will discuss meditation afterwards.”

The master started pouring tea into the professor’s cup. Even after the cup had been filled to the brim he continued to pour.

The professor watched the tea overflow until he could no longer contain himself.

“Sir the cup is overflowing ! No more will go in !”

“Like this cup”, said the teacher, “you too are full of your own opinions, conclusions, speculations and prejudices. How then can I  teach you about meditation unless you first empty your cup.


To gain the right fullness one must rid oneself first of meaningless things. 

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